オンラインクラス用サイトはこちら (アクセス制限中) .
○2014- Department of British & American Studies at Nanzan University
(Class evaluation: Out of 5.00)
- Communication Studies (コミュニケーション研究の基礎)
4.75 <2014 Spring>
4.73 <2017 Q3>
4.75 <2019 Q2>
4.76 <2020 Q2 Online Class>
4.77 <2021 Q2 Online Class>
4.82 <2023 Q2>
- Interpersonal Relationships & Communication (人間関係とコミュニケーション)
4.85 <2016 Spring>
4.79 <2015 Spring>
4.76 <2017 Q1>
4.84 <2018 Q1>
4.81 <2019 Q3>
- Stereotype & Stigma (Special Topics in English)
4.81 <2014 Fall>
4.89 <2017 Q2>
4.83 <2018 Q2>
4.80 <2019 Q1>
- Cultural Adjustment (Special Topics in English)
4.76 <2021 Q4>
4.81 <2022 Q4>
- Dark Side of Interpersonal Relationships (コミュニケーション特殊研究B)
4.74 <2015 Fall>
4.81 <2016 Fall>
4.82 <2017 Fall>
4.74 <2018 Q3>
4.89 <2019 Q4>
○2012-2013 Department of Policy Studies at Nanzan University
- English Communication
- English for Science
- English Writing
○2008-2011, University of Texas at Austin
- Japanese
Teaching Evaluation